Plywood, Castors, Polyurethane
43” (Long) x 15.5” (Short) x 29.75” x 6” (Height)
Designed and fabricated for Victor Bassman, ceramic sculptor and retired educator. With his restricted mobility, his 50 year old Soldner wheel needed to be lifted and put on wheels in order to accomodate.
Due to poor engineering and environmental factors, the old platform was heavily warped and needed replacing.
Top: New Platform
Below: Old Platform
43” (Long) x 15.5” (Short) x 29.75” x 6” (Height)
Designed and fabricated for Victor Bassman, ceramic sculptor and retired educator. With his restricted mobility, his 50 year old Soldner wheel needed to be lifted and put on wheels in order to accomodate.
Due to poor engineering and environmental factors, the old platform was heavily warped and needed replacing.
Top: New Platform
Below: Old Platform

Steel, Lighting
4” x 4.9” x 8.15”
4” x 4.9” x 8.15”

The facade is composed of a moving steel screen, eliminating the necessity for curtains and distorting the view of the building when wind passes through the site. The facade’s end bounds provide subtle protection of residents from rain and wind when gathering around the towers.
Model: Basswood, Piano Wire, Waffle Knit Fabric
Model: Basswood, Piano Wire, Waffle Knit Fabric

Inspired by traditional bamboo scaffolding used in Hong Kong, this is a design updating the structure for children’s use.
Given the high carbon footprint and heat retention of traditional steel play structures, the transition to bamboo offers a sustainable alternative while remaining suitable for large scale production.
Modeled joints: Bamboo, PVC, Lag Bolts, Nuts
Collaborative work with Sophia Chow
Given the high carbon footprint and heat retention of traditional steel play structures, the transition to bamboo offers a sustainable alternative while remaining suitable for large scale production.
Modeled joints: Bamboo, PVC, Lag Bolts, Nuts
Collaborative work with Sophia Chow
Design, Object

Tasked with designing a board game suitable for Kindergarten age children, FORM is inspired by classic building games such as Legos or Lincoln Logs. All components of the game are designed to fit within a 9” x 9” x 9” box.
Plywood, Wood
9” x 9” x 9”
Plywood, Wood
9” x 9” x 9”